вторник, 18 апреля 2017 г.

Informor letter for british

Dear Carmi,
How are you doing? Thank for coming in school. I tell you about everything. My name is Zhasmin and I am very glad you came. Beacause you very cute, nice, beautiful and it is very interesting to me when in my school study british. I very like animal special dog, but I don't have dog. When I was studing in 2 class in school was exhibition our animal.
What you like animal? Will you came again? You like my school?
Drop me a line soon!

вторник, 11 апреля 2017 г.

Informor letter

Dear Liza,
How are you doing? Sorry for not writing for so long. Thanks for your email. On last week I read story about girl Megan and Unicorn. This Megan

вторник, 4 апреля 2017 г.


                                                                                                                                   29 December 2004
 Dear Ken,
Hope to hear from you soon. I can no belief it? Is now just two week and I will be with you. I am looking forward very much stay with you and your family and see London the first time. I'm very exciting.
     My sity, San Paulo, is biggest and noisyest city in Brasil. Is not very well for tourists are more commercial city. Also it have very much traffic and pollution. Maybe London have the same. I like best here in San Paulo the entertainment. You can find good bars and restaurants, who no close until the latest customer leave.
    My friend Toao he camed in London in last year and he gone to the theatre see "The Buddy Holly story". He said me it was wonderfull. I like to see also.
   My plane arrive Heathrow, Terminal 3 at 6.30 am. Is very kind you meet me so early morning! Thank you.

воскресенье, 2 апреля 2017 г.

График работы 4 четверть (перевёрнутый класс)

Пн- Grammar
Вт- listening
- Writing
Чт- homereading

Я думаю "перевернутый класс" будет очень интересен ведь мы некогда не работали с такой системой. Немного страшновато. Страшно потому что это новый формат. Я думаю по началу я буду путаться, но со временем мне придет опыт и я буду легко разбираться. Как я буду выполнять задания? На грамматику я буду делать схемы. Например: Present continuos
        Am/is/are V-ing.