суббота, 3 февраля 2018 г.

Итоговая тема 5

There are more than five thousand endangered animals in the world today. For example, pink river dolphin, cross river gorilla and  loggerhead sea turtle. In Russia  the most popular endangered animal is the Siberian Tiger. They have suffered because of deforestation and poaching. But we also have problems with oceans. Pollution from factories is poisoning in our oceans. Rubbish also kills sea creatures every year. So what can we do?  "Red nose day" is a big charity event in the UK. Anyone can do something funny to raise money. Also, supermarket sell red clown noses to wear on Red Nose Day to help raise money. And every year on 4th October, a great event takes place when animal lovers around the world come together to celebrate animal life in all its forms.